Zac Barnes, NSW, Australia: Plain Missing Or Worse?

Zac Barnes was 18 years old when he disappeared. At the time he had been with friends and would normally have returned home on that Sunday as he worked all week.

We have been covering more and more cases of people who have gone missing in suspicious circumstances. Zac Barnes was just 18 years old when he disappeared. Since 13th November 2016 he has not used any of his money or his social media.

Newcastle is North of Sydney

The story goes that at about 8pm Mr Barnes was travelling in a car with two acquaintances. They were in Newcastle, NSW. Mr Barnes became agitated and got out of the car and then ran into bushland. This was on the corner of Trip Close and Haussman Drive. Since then there has been nothing forthcoming that would lead to him being found.

The marker is where Mr Barnes is said to have got out of the vehicle.

I just want to give Mr Barnes a mention here as it seems such a strange case. I take it there was more from the people in the car about why Mr Barnes would have simply jumped out and run off. If you know more then please tell me and I will write it up.

The family Facebook page is still very current and only a week ago marked another birthday passing without word from Zac Barnes.

Zac Barnes was 18 years old when he disappeared. At the time he had been with friends and would normally have returned home on that Sunday in preparation for a week of work.

In some interviews the impression is given that there are people who know more about the events of November 2016 than are talking. That is often the case and we are building an awfully big list of similar agony that many families are facing.

I have read that he was acting scared and strange during the day of the 13th as well. There could be several reasons for this that are not suspicious of course, the simple fact is I don’t know enough to speculate. What is for sure is this young man is missing and all was not well when he disappeared.

Mr Barnes is described in full on one of the links below. A summary would be this young man is now 24 years old, 180cm 9 (5ft 11 inches), medium build with brown hair and eyes. He has notable tattoos one of which is the below which is on his right calf.

I am a bit of a fan of Reddit ( social media platform) ,however, I tend to stick to cross referenced main stream reports. In this case there is a Reddit post that is well worth a read. The author appears to have packed it with information. Our website has never been about trying to be THE source of information on missing persons and unsolved crime. We will share anything that may help. So please check  the post out.

What caused Zac Barnes to get out of the car is unknown and the tale has been questioned. I could go on with half baked theories of my own, yet that won’t help.

If you know anything and can assist the family all the links are here for you.



The Reddit post can be found by putting in the following words :  Zac Barnes (18) jumped out of a car never to be seen again. What happened to Zac?

Unfortunately if I link it, it just prints out here in its entirety.

If you know more about the case and want me to include it please shout me on: