We Set Out To Write About 20 Unsolved Cases. This Is The 400th

And this one makes 400

It is sad that there are unsolved cases in the English speaking world. We have now reached a number of articles on this website that we never even thought of when we started 20 months ago.

And this one makes 400

Originally we wanted to talk about the unsolved homicide of Janet Brown and Spike Meenaghan and maybe wander into other older UK cases like the disappearance of Steven Clark. Then things started to roll. We have 400 true crime unresolved mysteries from everywhere we could reasonably research. Ideally we would make it world wide and hope to in the future. Currently we have 5 pages of New Zealand and Australian unsolved cases, 10 pages of North American and 14 pages of European missing and murdered tragedies.

The categories we have put together are haphazard at times though a constant are unsolved homicides in North America, NZ, Australia and Europe. We try and stick to our goals. We want to place here the stories that may get swallowed by online archiving and time. We also want to fill the gap between appeals that can happen at 5 plus year intervals.

We are grateful to our families and friends for their patience. Especially these two

If we can get one witness to contact the police with some information or tell a tale that stops one person from becoming a victim it is all worth the effort. One of the things that keeps us going are the kind words that occasionally come from those that knew the victims. None should be forgotten.

THANK YOU to anyone who has read our words, commented and emailed with suggestions. I want to just say we really appreciate your interest in what has happened to these poor people.

Take Care

Tim, John and Faye