A Counter Balance To All The Bad That Is On This Website

Big Daws Tv

True crime does not get me down. Maybe it should, however, conditioning over the years seems to work for me. I have become quite jaded about our species, of that there is no doubt. You might feel the same.

Big Daws Tv on YouTube

Last night I was flicking through YouTube watching the news and some crime stories. I have already recommended Mr Ballen and That Chapter for example. I had just been thinking about a terrible case from one of those stories and found myself ruminating on a particularly illogical theory about why some crimes happen. It was a daft  generalisation to be honest. I was dismissing it bit by bit when I randomly hit on a channel I had not watched before.

I found myself lifted out of a dark mood almost straight away. If you are feeling a bit off colour about the human race it might be worth spending a few minutes to watch the below video. We are not all bad. I believe we all have our flaws, I have a shed full of them, but we are definitely not all bad.