New Leads In The Unsolved Murder Of Scottish Banker Alistair Wilson

small automatic pistol

Haenel Schmeisser .25 that killed Mr Wilson

I heard about this new information a few days ago but thought I would hold off mentioning it to see if there were rapid developments.

Mr Wilson was only 30 years old when he was shot dead on his doorstep on 28th November 2004. It was about 7 pm. The Wilson household was a comfortable home in Nairn, north east Scotland. He had been reading a bedtime story to his children. A knock on the door led him to talk to a man who gave him what turned out to be an empty envelope.

smileing couple Veronica and Alistair Wilson
Veronica and Alistair Wilson

He came back into the house and told his wife that a stranger had called. He was puzzled because the name on the envelope was nothing he could relate to.

Mr Wilson said he would go and see if the man was still there. Next thing he was shot and lay dying.

The hand gun was an ex WW2 pistol. A tiny, yet deadly one. As in the case of Alan Wood and Alex Blue, no motive has come to light for this murder. Unlike some there was not even a clue about who would hurt this guy.

He had worked for a large bank and was about to take up another financial services position. He had two children and good home so why should he die?

The fall back position is it was a case of mistaken identity. I do recall there was a rumour about a member of a local family who went abroad and the cops wanted to talk to him. Maybe that explains why recently cops went to Nova Scotia, Canada and interviewed a witness.

Mr Wilson was handed an envelope with the name ‘Paul’ on it. That name did not relate to anyone in the house.

Originally the shooter was described as 5 ft 7 inches (170 cm ) tall and between 30 and 40 years old. Now the Police Service in Scotland are saying that the offender may have been younger. That gives an age range of late 30s to 60s. The only other element in this description is  that he was wearing a baseball cap.  It would have been dark that night and so add in the peak of the cap and the height of the wearer and you can see why there is such an range of age.

Mr Wilson left two small boys and a wife behind without any idea why he was taken from them. For a full story about this unsolved murder please click here

Take Care

John T

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