I’m Not Making A Habit Of This But Do You Know This Dirtbag?

Does any of this ring a bell with you?

I signed up for the FBI bulletin. I have done this with a lot of similar enforcement and volunteer databases. I tend to do older unsolved cases. This is not an unsolved murder, it does seem to be an unsolved crime. The picture below is of an individual who they want to talk to about child sex exploitation.

The readership of this site is tiny in number in comparison with the FBI I would think. I put the appeal here just as a shot in a million. Do you know who this is?

Does any of this ring a bell with you? Believed to be from between Jan-April 2019.

There is a distasteful voice file you can listen to. Maybe that will confirm the name you have in mind. The link is below. On the recording he asks a child if they like the ‘daddy master’. I would love to see how ‘masterful’ he is when someone is big enough to knock his teeth out.

Contact FBI on: 1-800-225-5324

Or if you would rather email me with your information and I’ll get it to them: tim@reasonedcrimechronicle.com



Just a thought. The FBI and UK law enforcement are changing. I am not as confident as I once was in them. That said there are good people there and when it comes to murders and crime against kids what is right is right.

To view original and listen to voice: https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap/unknown-individual—john-doe-45