Abbie Flynn Sets Out A Party Then Vanishes: Gloucester, USA.

Ms Abbie Flynn. she may have been wearing a red jacket and has brown hair. She is said to be 5ft 5 inches (165cm) tall and have brown eyes.

The Super Bowl is a big deal to the Americans. At least for those that love their football. Do you see what I did there? Not all us Brits are ignorant. American football is big, brash, tactical with hand eye excellence. Our football is all about feet. When in the US don’t insult them by referring to our football as that, soccer is the word you are looking for.

So the Super Bowl is their European cup final or our FA cup final. Even if your team is not there a rabid fan of the game will be ready for the show. Often they will join friends, put on some food and make sure beer is in the cooler.

Abbie Flynn was 59 years old and lived on St Louis Avenue, Gloucester, Massachusetts. Here is a Google overhead of the area.

The City of Gloucester is to the north and the marker is on Farrington Avenue. Her walk was described in one account as in Farrington Avenue area. St Louis Avenue is the road you can see running on the right of the marker heading south.
An overhead view of St Louis Avenue, centre. In an article published by Boston 25 specific mention is made that Ms Flynn said she was going for a walk to Brace Cove. That is the water you can see lower right, however, other areas were also searched which were known to be favourites of the missing woman.

She had spent that Sunday putting together a Super Bowl party. The first guests were due at 6pm. The weather was ( according to Time& light winds and overcast. The date was 2nd February 2020. That night the San Francisco 49ers lost to the Kansas City Chiefs. All the evidence is that Ms Flynn missed it.

Ms Abbie Flynn. She may have been wearing a red jacket and has brown hair. She is said to be 5ft 5 inches (165cm) tall, 200 pounds in weight and have brown eyes.

This lady spoke to her son at about 4pm and said she might go for a walk. She was last seen doing just that at 4.30 pm. She was a keen hiker and is said to have been in good health. When those guests arrived they could tell through the windows they were expected but there was no sign of their friend.

When their host did not show up they contacted the police. A full and intensive search followed from the next day until Tuesday. At the time of writing Ms Flynn has not been seen since. The more I look at it the search was wide in scope and included several police departments, the Coast Guard, underwater teams and volunteers. In addition to these groups drones were leant to the searchers by a local business. It should be noted that Ms Flynn left her phone at home so using that technology to find her was a dead end.

The reason we include this case here is because of a few unusual issues. I stress the cops, who are on the ground and who have all the facts, do not suspect foul play.

I looked at the area. It is part of a peninsular and Ms Flynn’s home is towards the southern tip of it. To the north is the more populated part of Gloucester (of Perfect Storm fame). The immediate area around Farrington Avenue is semi rural. The houses are spaced enviously apart and it looks like a safe neighbourhood. It is flanked on the east and west by open water. The point is this is not some really rugged area smack in the middle of vast wilderness.

When I looked the sun would have set at around 5.30pm. This lady was seen out at 4.30 pm. She was expecting guests at 6 pm. She had put effort in to the party, spoken to her son and was walking in an area familiar to her.

So how come the search didn’t find her?

Of course there is always the water. Any stretch of water makes a search difficult and at the eastern end of the avenue is the Atlantic  Ocean. There seems to have been very settled weather, though of course a trip and a bang to the head followed by a fall into the sea is a possibility.

I just looked at the open ground most of it is only several hundred yards (or metres for that matter) across and surrounded by housing. I think of a person being in their home neighbourhood with vested interest in making it back to their home in a short time. I do wonder about this one.

I noted the local authorities seemed a little upset at some of the comments online after Ms Flynn disappeared. There was a lot of speculation and some residents became fearful. I am not asserting anything sinister happened. I am saying that in comparison to many similar missing persons cases this is this is one of the most baffling I have come across.

What do you think? Do you know the area well? Have I underestimated the ruggedness of the terrain or weather that day?

Take Care

John T

Know anything about this? Please call Gloucester police at 978-283-1212 or click here for their website.

Please note in another source she is said to have been wearing a blue jacket.